TTMD Chairman Dr. Kemal Gani Bayraktar Elected as REHVA Board Member
The General Assembly meeting of the European Federation of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning Associations (REHVA) took place on 26 May 2019 in Bucharest. During the meeting, in which the changes related to the new term works were announced, Stefano P. Corgnati, who was the former REHVA President, handed over his duty to the new chairman and former accountant member of REHVA, Frank Hovorka (AICVF) for three years. During the General Assembly, new members of REHVA's Board of Directors were elected. REHVA, deciding to continue with three new board members in the new period, elected Ivo Martinac (SWEDVAC), Juan Traves (also ATECY) and Turkish Society of Sanitary Engineers of Turkey (TTMD) President Dr. Kemal Gani Bayraktar as the member of the Board of Directors. Three members of the board of directors in the previous period; Manuel Gameiro da Silva (OE), Atze Boerstra (TVVL) and Catalin Lungu (AIIF / AFCR / AGFR) will continue on the Board of Directors. With the Vice Presidency of REHVA, TTMD will contribute to the development of REHVA and the activities of the Board of Directors.