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Sasa to Build World's Largest Propane Dehydrogenation Unit with Honeywell Oleflex Technology

21 June 2023
Sasa to Build World's Largest Propane Dehydrogenation Unit with Honeywell Oleflex Technology

Honeywell announced that it will help SASA Polyester Sanayi A.Ş. build the world's largest Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) unit in Turkey, thanks to its latest generation Honeywell Oleflex™ technology. The facility aims to produce 1 million tons of propylene per year.
The Honeywell UOP Oleflex™ process is used for the production of lightweight olefins from lightweight paraffin via catalytic dehydrogenation, while providing a source from which polymer-quality propylene and isobutylene can be obtained. This environmentally friendly technology provides a lower emission and energy consumption compared to alternatives. The planned construction project will take place between 2023 and 2026 and will include the construction of a 1 million-ton capacity PDH production facility and container port.
Making statements on the subject, SASA Chairman of the Board İbrahim Erdemoğlu said: "SASA is Turkey's first and largest polyester and polymer producer with a sustainable growth perspective. It aims to be one of the leading players at scale. This vision is being realized with the help of Honeywell's Oleflex™ technology. This is the first technology award for SASA's new initiative in the conversion from crude oil to chemicals, and this project will allow us to evolve while maintaining our spirit of innovation. "
Uygar Doyuran, President of Honeywell Turkey, Israel and Central Asia: “Our Oleflex™ technology enables investors like SASA to produce low-cost propylene using Honeywell UOP's unique, highly active, stable and environmentally friendly catalyst, thereby joining the growing propylene market. OleflexTM technology continues to be supported by Honeywell UOP with over 75 years of innovations along with dehydrogenation technology.
Since 2011, most dehydrogenation projects undertaken globally have been based on Honeywell UOP technology. These projects include those for propane (C3), isobutane (iC4) and mixed C3/iC4 service. Propylene production capacity resulting from Oleflex™ technology is currently approximately 13.2 million metric tons per year, with licensed capacity exceeding 42 million metric tons per year of propylene.
Honeywell has recently made a commitment to be carbon neutral in its operations and facilities by 2035. This strong commitment builds on the company's years of brilliant innovation history to sharply reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of its operations and facilities and help customers meet their environmental and social goals. About 60% of Honeywell's new product promotion, research and development investments consist of products that improve customers' environmental and social outcomes.

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