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ISIB Attended Aquatherm Kiev with an Information Booth

24 June 2021
ISIB Attended Aquatherm Kiev with an Information Booth

Aquatherm Kiev was organized on 18-20 May 2021 in Ukraine’s capital Kiev. Turkish HVAC&R Exporters’ Association (İSİB) attended the fair with an information booth.

8 companies from Turkey participated in the event. ISIB’s information booth functioned as a meeting point with active participation of representatives from Turkey, who held their talks with their business partners in the booth. The search engine developed by ISIB was also launched for the first time abroad during this fair. During the event, ISIB representatives held a meeting with their counterparts from Ukrainian Cooling Association. The association currently accounts for about 50% of the domestic market in Ukraine. The representatives from the association reiterated their wish to have more frequent meetings with their Turkish colleagues to discuss further opportunities for cooperation. Aquatherm is the biggest fair of its kind, and the fair was organized in time despite the pandemic. The fair showcases heating units (boiler, broiler, combi, radiator, and related equipment), Instalment Systems (valve, pumps, plastic pipes, fittings, faucets), Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems, and Pool Systems. 327 companies from 17 countries attended the fair, which was visited by 22.642 people.

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