ISIB's 9th Digital Commercial Delegation Organization to Vietnam
Adding value to the trade of exporters during the pandemic period with digital commercial delegation organizations that started in 2020 and continued in 2021, the Air Conditioning Industry Exporters' Association (ISIB) is organizing a digital commercial delegation organization to Vietnam between 3-6 August 2021.
As part of ISIB's digital commercial delegation organizations, 13 companies from Turkey will participate in the delegation, the 9th of which will be held in Vietnam. Companies participating in the organization will participate in the delegation with their heating, cooling, installation, ventilation and air conditioning product groups.
Vietnam digital commercial delegation organization was held on 2 August 2021 with Turkish Ambassador to Hanoi Haldun Tekneci, Hanoi Embassy Deputy Commercial Counselor Burak Cihan Ürkmez, İSİB Chairman of the Board Mehmet Şanal, İSİB Vice Chairman of the Board A. Metin Duruk, İSİB Board Member Ali Aktaş. The delegation will start with an information meeting attended by the representatives of the participating companies. The meetings where bilateral business meetings will be held on 3-4-5-6 August 2021 are planned as 40 minutes each.
44 companies from Vietnam are expected to participate in the online meetings. It is aimed that each company will conduct a minimum of 8 to 10 job interviews.
Stating that Vietnam has taken significant shares from world trade in recent years, ISIB Chairman of the Board Mehmet Şanal said the following about the digital delegation organization they will hold: “The export of the Turkish air conditioning industry to Vietnam was approximately 16 million dollars last year. Especially in recent years, the transactions carried out by our exporting companies are remarkable. We are organizing this important organization in order to improve our position in the country and to reach the targets of our exporters. I hope we will have an organization that will be productive and turn into business results. I wish success to all our participating companies.”