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IMBAT brand in three continents

14 June 2021
IMBAT brand in three continents

Imbat, which prepares and produces its own product designs with 100 percent Turkish design power, continues to present its products to Turkey and many parts of the world.

Improving product sales and partnership relations with more than 50 countries, including European countries, İmbat continues its international momentum with its exports to Cameroon, Armenia, Uzbekistan and Austria.

Yaounde Telecom - Cameroon

İmbat precision-controlled air conditioners took place in the Telecom communication center project in Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon. Imbat precision-controlled air conditioners, produced in 11 different models with air and water cooling up to 120 kW capacity, are safely preferred because they provide temperature and humidity control simultaneously with precision.

Alex Textile - Armenia

Established in Yerevan and the largest in the region, Alex textile company chose İmbat for air conditioning. In the production area of ​​the facility, İmbat roof type air conditioner with a capacity of 240 kW was used. İmbat roof type air conditioners, which can be specially designed according to the needs of the project and location, provide minimum energy consumption by providing free cooling with 100% fresh air according to external weather conditions.

Polytex LLC - Uzbekistan

İmbat precision-controlled air conditioners were used in the laboratories of the Polytex LLC textile factory, which was established on a 6000 m² area in Sirderya, Uzbekistan. One of the world's market leaders, Polytex is a professional partner of textile manufacturers and sample factories in more than 100 countries with the design, development, manufacture and worldwide sale of sample machines. Developed to provide maximum energy efficiency, high heat transfer surface area is applied as standard in İmbat precision controlled air conditioners, evaporator and condenser.

Markus Port - Austria

İmbat has accelerated the sales of portable air handling units, as well as the portable roof type air conditioners that it frequently produces to Germany and Austria. İmbat portable air handling unit is produced with a cooling water coil and a hot water coil or electric heater in accordance with demand, and is preferred for its efficient use.

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