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HTK Klima Signed a New Distributorship Agreement in The Middle East Region

04 February 2021
HTK Klima Signed a New Distributorship Agreement in The Middle East Region

HTK Klima signed a new distributorship agreement in the Middle East Region.

HTK-KlimaHTK Klima made the following statement on the subject: “Since the very first day, we have started manufacturing; our goal has been to offer the best production quality and the highest customer satisfaction. In this regards, we continue to widen production and sales network globally in the quality competency with many other brands. R&D and P&D departments keep working and we demonstrate our global company profile by following innovative developments. We kept making valuable agreements in the compelling year of 2020 and close the year with a 40% export capacity. In recent years, as a consequence of the fairs we participated and the efficient meetings we held, our latest achievement is to include Qatar into our export market. We signed distribution agreement with one of the most powerful five companies in the region which has a 20 years successful trade history. Hereupon, our Qatari partner will be liable in Qatar for all commercial activities such as sales, marketing and advertisement of our brand and products; grilles, diffusors, dampers, and alike air outlets. We believe that the strategic partnership between Qatar and Turkey would enhance our trade capacity in the region day by day, along with our robust cooperation with our partner. As HTK Klima family, we will take part in the Qatar National Vision 2030 – Economic Development pillar with our brand and we will get a share in our country’s export rate.”

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