Friterm Dilovasi Production Plant Has Been Certified by BREEAM Very Good Certificate Level

Friterm was awarded the BREEAM Very Good qualification with its production facility established in Dilovasi Organized Industrial Site. Friterm Maintenance Chief Metin Tekeler gave information about the certification process and the innovations of Friterm on this subject.
Mr.Tekeler said " During the certification process of many different criteria, many aspects such as building management, energy efficiency, land use and ecology, transportation, materials and pollution were evaluated. In line with the energy modeling applied during the design phase, systems that would provide maximum efficiency were preferred. Lighting Automation; As is known, one of the most important issues in energy saving, even today, 20 percent of the energy spent in our country is estimated to be used for lighting. As Friterm, it was one of the most important issues in designing our new factory. The production facility was designed with the aim of making maximum use of daylight by employees. With daylight sensor applied to the production areas from lighting-related energy consumption was obtained largely from savings. The sensor lighting in the warehouse also plays an important role in energy saving. One of the most important items in energy use is the need for heating, heat recovery, and our plant offers important solutions for energy saving. Building insulation, which is designed to minimize heat release, plays an important role in energy saving. With Solarwall (solar wall) technology built on an area of 380 m2 on the southeast side of the production facility, we transfer the energy from the sun to the environment using fresh air and ensure that the incoming air is warmed up with solar energy. In addition to this, our heat recovery system is built to provide heat gain and the heat obtained by heating the external air supplied to the interior environment for ventilation provides a significant saving in energy consumption. Thanks to the special heat recovery module of Compressor Ekobox Heat Recovery System, we evaluate the heat generated by compressing the air by heating the water. The energy recovery system allows us to obtain hot water up to +75˚C depending on the use and load of the compressor. We use this heat energy for heating."
Metin Tekeler who emphasized that we are in danger of the destruction of natural water resources, said: " We provide the majority of the water usage except for the summer months with the rainwater tank and siphon system in the facility. Also with the choice of efficient water fixtures and the use of collected rain water in the process and landscape, very high level water saving has been achieved. We are making grey waters reused by passing them through specific filters (the wastewater generated by people as a result of their daily life activities is defined as grey water). It is aimed to contribute to the environment through pedestrian and bicycle roads outside the building, while preventing noise pollution with the building acoustics. Environmental impacts caused by the site were minimized during construction."