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Founder Chair Of TRFMA, Levent Alatlı, Elected to EuroFM Board Member

16 December 2020 Issue: Year 2021
Founder Chair Of TRFMA, Levent Alatlı, Elected to EuroFM Board Member

During the 87th EuroFM General Members Meeting, held online on 10 December 2020, a new Board was elected.
The new Board Members are:

  • Levent Alatli – Turkish Facility Management Association
  • Tuuli Jylhä – Delft University of Technology
  • Natalie Hofman – FMN
  • Carmel Lindkvist – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Pieter le Roux – Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

This is a unique board transition where all of the current board members will be replaced by new board members. Therefore the EuroFM members were asked to extend their trust into the new team during the meeting (they did so unanimously) and they will discuss together during the following month their thoughts and ambitions personally and for EuroFM. Based on these discussions the new board will present a new board structure to the members before 1 February 2021, this is also the date the current board steps down. During an online voting the members will be asked for their approval on the new board positions.

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