“Cooling Towers and Natural Coolers” E-Book Published by SOSIAD

The Association of Refrigeration Industry and Business People (SOSİAD) has established an Editorial Board to address the publication gap in the air conditioning and refrigeration sector. The Editorial Board includes Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Yılmaz, Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Bulgurcu, Dr. Kadir İsa, Hayati Can, Hasan Acül, Kıvanç Aslantaş, and Zeynep Gökçen Aşan from the Education Commission. The board was initially formed by Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Bulgurcu and Mechanical Engineer Hasan Acül. They have worked diligently to publish the e-book "Cooling Towers and Natural Coolers," which is now available on the website (www.sosiad.org.tr) for the sector.
The book, which is the first publication of SOSİAD, consists of 414 pages. It is not only the first Turkish book written on this subject, but also the only one published on this topic in foreign literature. SOSİAD aims to translate the book into English within a year and publish it again.
The book consists of the following chapters:
- Chapter 1: Classification and Basic Tower Concepts
- Chapter 2: Psychrometry and Heat Transfer on Wet Surfaces
- Chapter 3: Cooling Tower Theory and Mass Transfer
- Chapter 4: Structural Characteristics of Cooling Towers
- Chapter 5: Cooling Tower Water Management
- Chapter 6: Design of Cooling Towers
- Chapter 7: Natural Refrigerants
- Chapter 8: Thermal Performance Tests of Cooling Towers
- Chapter 9: Energy Efficiency in Cooling Towers
- Chapter 10: Control of Cooling Towers
- Chapter 11: Selection of Cooling Towers and Natural Coolers
- Chapter 12: Cooling Tower Software
- Chapter 13: Maintenance and Diagnosis of Cooling Towers