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Battery Move from POMSAD and European Unified Water Label

28 February 2021 Issue: Year 2021
Battery Move from POMSAD and European Unified Water Label

The Turkish Pump and Valve Manufacturers Association (POMSAD) is preparing to undertake an important development concerning the armature industry. Having become a member of CEIR in 2003, POMSAD has served on the CEIR Board of Directors since 2005. The Executive Director of the Association, Nurdan Yücel, is currently the Vice-President of CEIR and will take over the CEIR Presidency from Spanish CEIR President, Carlos Velazquez, at the CEIR General Assembly, to be held in 2021. 
As most of us here know, the European Unified Water Label works, which are of great importance for companies operating in the armature sector, have been initiated by the UK BMA (Bathroom Manufacturers Association). The European Unified Water Label is currently managed on a voluntary basis and encompasses 13 bath products, 34 countries, and 148 brands. POMSAD also took over representation of the label in Turkey. The association will be a guide for all armature manufacturers who would like to be included in the label. 

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