Air Conditioning Solution Developed to Reduce the Risk of Covid-19 Contagion

In the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, the argument that the transmission was via droplets and contact with the surfaces on which these droplets fell gained weight. Many sources, especially the WHO (World Health Organization), suggested that there is no obvious evidence of the risk of airborne transmission. However, studies have shown that the risk of airborne transmission, especially indoors, increases significantly.
In a study conducted on 7234 cases in the People's Republic of China, it was seen that the number of transmission in the external environment was only 1. It was determined that all the remaining patients were caught in the closed environment.
In a joint statement, 239 scientists shared with the public the opinion that, contrary to what is known, keeping a distance of 1.5-2 meters does not sufficiently prevent contamination, and that much smaller particles (aerosols) with the ability to stay in the air for a long time are responsible for the long-lasting contamination in closed areas.
The American Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) has reported that COVID-19 is transmitted by air. All eyes were on air conditioning and ventilation systems. Indoor air containing viruses could be transported to virus-free environments of buildings by air distribution channels and central air conditioning systems. The air conditioning industry has started to work on measures to prevent contamination or reduce the risk.
The Flexiva Product Family of Isil Engineering Corp., which draws attention with its innovative initiatives and patented products in the production of flexible air ducts in the Turkish air conditioning sector, has expanded with a revolutionary success with its solution that neutralizes the Coronavirus.
Developed by the Flexiva R&D Group, GUARD has been tested by Yeditepe University, which is among the greenest and most sustainable universities in the world and in the top ten of Turkey's most popular universities. As a result of the tests, Flexiva's innovative solution GUARD was determined and reported to inactivate the Coronavirus at least 84%.
According to the information given by Flexiva senior officials, all products in Flexiva's rich product range can be delivered with GUARD option upon request: “During the pandemic period, Flexiva focused on R&D and P&D activities. In this process, Glass Wool Insulated series joined Flexiva's ambitious Artist series. Then, our work on developing solutions to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission was completed. As a result of our studies, we developed the GUARD solution that can effectively fight the virus. We offer GUARD, the effectiveness of which has been proven by independent tests, to the market with a wide range of products. Each of our flexible air duct options that can address different demands can be combined with the GUARD feature that neutralizes the Coronavirus. Our flexible air ducts can become the assurance of health.”